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Scrupulosity OCD: What It Is and How to Treat It

Do you have a hard time making decisions due to excessive fear of doing something wrong? If so, you may be struggling with scrupulosity OCD. Scrupulosity OCD is a type of Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder that is characterized by an intense fear of doing something wrong, either religiously or morally. It can lead to extreme guilt, shame, and even avoidance of situations where you might make a wrong decision. In this blog post, we'll discuss what scrupulosity OCD is, its symptoms, and how to treat it.

Causes Of Scrupulosity OCD

Although the precise causation of scrupulosity OCD is unknown, several other variables are considered to be involved. Given that this ailment seems to run in families, some specialists think genetics may have a hand in how it develops. Additionally, some external stresses, such as the worry about moral failure, shame linked with religion, and fear of religious judgment, can cause scrupulosity OCD or make it worse.

Symptoms Of Scrupulosity OCD

Scrupulosity OCD can cause a person to experience intense guilt, fear and anxiety. People who suffer from this type of OCD often experience obsessive doubts about their religious beliefs or moral behavior. They may become preoccupied with thoughts about possible sins or bad behaviors that could have consequences in the afterlife.

People with scrupulosity OCD may also experience compulsive behaviors such as praying excessively or performing religious rituals in an attempt to ward off perceived punishment or sin. They may also be overly critical of themselves and others, constantly worrying that they haven’t done enough to be “good” people.

Those suffering from scrupulosity OCD can also become perfectionists, believing that anything less than perfect is sinful or will be punished. They may become overly cautious and rigid when making decisions, even if it’s not necessary. They may also be excessively concerned with things that are out of their control, like the actions of other people.

Finally, people with scrupulosity OCD may be overly concerned with details, spending too much time on tasks that don’t require it. This can lead to procrastination and anxiety in completing tasks or meeting deadlines.

Treatment Options For Scrupulosity OCD

Scrupulosity OCD is a complex condition and requires specialized treatment. Fortunately, there are several options available to those struggling with this type of OCD. The main treatment option is Cognitive-Behavioral-Therapy. This type of therapy focuses on identifying the irrational thoughts and beliefs that fuel the obsessions and compulsions and teaching individuals to replace them with healthier thoughts and beliefs.

Scrupulosity OCD can be challenging, but with the right treatment, it is possible to manage the symptoms and lead a fulfilling life. If you think you may have scrupulous OCD, it is important to reach out to a mental health professional who can help you create an individualized treatment plan.

Self-help strategies can be helpful in managing symptoms of scrupulosity OCD. These strategies include setting healthy boundaries, identifying triggers and avoiding situations that lead to increased distress, relaxation techniques, engaging in activities that increase pleasure or enjoyment, and improving communication with oneself and others.

If you want more help regarding this, visit OCD And Anxiety Online today.

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