Shopping carts & Their Optimization

Agam Chaudhary
3 min readJan 23, 2023

Shopping carts are an essential part of any e-commerce website, and it is important for businesses to ensure that their customers are getting the most value out of their purchases. Here are ten ways to increase the value of each order in your shopping cart:

  1. Offer bundled products or package deals. Bundling items together at a discounted price can be a great way to increase the value of each order. According to a study by McKinsey, bundled products can increase sales by as much as 30%. This is because customers often feel that they are getting a better deal when they purchase multiple items together.
  2. Implement upselling and cross-selling techniques. Upselling is the practice of encouraging customers to purchase a more expensive version of the product they are already considering. Cross-selling is the practice of suggesting related products that complement the item a customer is already buying. Both of these techniques can be effective in increasing the value of each order. A study by the Journal of Marketing found that upselling and cross-selling can increase sales by as much as 10%.
  3. Use discounts and coupons to incentivize larger purchases. Discounts and coupons can be a powerful tool for encouraging customers to spend more money. According to a study by Forrester Research, customers are four times more likely to make a purchase when a coupon is offered. Additionally, the study found that customers who use coupons spend an average of 25% more than those who do not.
  4. Provide free shipping for orders above a certain amount. Free shipping is a powerful incentive for customers to spend more money. According to a study by ComScore, free shipping is the number one factor that influences customers to make a purchase. Additionally, the study found that customers are willing to spend an average of $8 more on an order to qualify for free shipping.
  5. Use loyalty programs to encourage repeat customers. Loyalty programs can be a great way to increase the value of each order by encouraging repeat purchases. According to a study by the Journal of Marketing, customers who participate in loyalty programs spend an average of 12–18% more than non-members.
  6. Offer gift wrapping or add-on services. Gift wrapping and add-on services can be a great way to increase the value of each order. According to a study by the Journal of Marketing, customers are willing to spend an average of 20% more on an order when gift wrapping is offered.
  7. Create a sense of urgency through limited-time offers. Limited-time offers can be an effective way to increase the value of each order by creating a sense of urgency. According to a study by the Journal of Marketing, customers are more likely to make a purchase when they feel that they are getting a limited-time deal.
  8. Use personalized product recommendations. Personalized product recommendations can be a great way to increase the value of each order by suggesting products that are tailored to the individual customer. According to a study by the Journal of Marketing, personalized product recommendations can increase sales by as much as 25%.
  9. Send abandoned cart reminders with special offers. Abandoned cart reminders can be a powerful tool for recovering lost sales. According to a study by the Journal of Marketing, abandoned cart reminders can increase sales by as much as 15%. Additionally, including a special offer in the reminder can increase the chances of recovery even more.
  10. Continuously gather customer feedback and use it to improve the shopping experience. Customer feedback is an essential tool for understanding the needs and wants of your customers. According to a study by the Journal of Marketing, businesses that continuously gather customer feedback and use it to improve the shopping experience can increase sales by as much as 20%.

Optimization around shopping carts can help you improve conversion rates. Do play with them (A/B testing).



Agam Chaudhary

Agam Chaudhary is a serial entrepreneur & investor in tech-enabled and ecommerce industries.